Just next to it is the kitty a member brought to the Greek library, a truly unobtrusive pet, as it is always asleep on the "Dracula" shelf, waiting to be bitten, probably!
Below you can see Ioanna's Eguptian kitten. She follows her everywhere!
Δείτε την αληθινή ιστορία ενός γάτου, που λεγόταν Dewey Διαβαστερός και ζούσε στη βιβλιοθήκη. Ο κόσμος ερχόταν να τον δει από τις γύρω περιοχές για τα καμώματά του. Πέθανε υπέργηρος και ευτυχισμένος στην αγκαλιά της βιβλιοθηκαρίου που τον μάζεψε από γατάκι. Στη διπλανή φωτογραφία είναι το γατάκι της δικής μας βιβλιοθήκης. Μεγάλος υπναράς.
Και πιο κάτω είναι η γάτα της Ιωάννας που την ακολουθεί παντού!

1. What bad habit of Telis on the street put his life in danger?
2. Why is Telis fond of children?
3. Who took care of Telis while he was recovering?
4. Why does he come to the library when we have the Reading Club?
5. Why is he fond of the Art Department? (or the Religion dep., for this fact)
6. Although he seems alright, there is something wrong with him. Does it show?
Lublin answered:
1.He wanted to play with strangers on the street
2.Children rescued him.he likes to have fun with them.
4.He likes to listen to books.He likes people from bibliothek.He gets food from you
5.He attached to this place and people. This is his house.
6.He looks healthy, happy and friendly.Do not see that it is something wrong.
Telis’ true story
Telis had a lot of names before his accident. He was a dog students remember waiting for them in the school yard or outside the school door, as stray dogs aren’t allowed inside schools. He is nearly four years old.
In October 2008 he got struck by a vehicle, most probably a motorbike which he likes to chase. A group of students hurried to the library to get help. His rear leg was hanging lose. It was broken.
The students gathered money and we had Telis’ leg bound. We couldn’t afford an operation, unfortunately. In order for him not to bite his wound we had him wear a special collar. Teachers brought food and bought him a doghouse. Students took care to feed him in weekends. But Telis escaped from the bars and his leg couldn’t heal as it was supposed to. So he remains lame.
He was adopted by our school, named after it “Aristoteleio” and got his medical booklet and his digital id, as the law demands. He is the guardian of the library, he is always there when the Reading Club discusses books and takes a nap in the art Department (because it is quiet) and the Religion Department (because it is near the airconditioning. Some doubts remain as to if Telis is a believer). He sometimes gets himself into trouble in dogfights. Then he is taken to the vet by his fan club (consisting of a couple of teachers and a few hundreds pair of eyes watching him and reporting to the library, the “Telis-net”). He is very well-behaved, very smart and as independent as a ...cat.
He was there at the 5th anniversary of etwinning wearing a birthday hat. But he got no cake, just an extra piece of sausage, which he gobbled up.
With Telis, we learnt to change the way we see an abandoned animal. We got to know him as a character rather than one of many stray dogs with a two-year life expectancy. He loves children, we love him. That is the story of Telis the Library dog!
Read the poem of Cypriot teacher, and prized poet Theoclis Kouyialis (1936-) about the Dog Who stopped Barking.
For years he barked normally
Which means he barked whenever he should have
And then he stopped.
A dog who doesn't bark is useless
And so they gave him to understand that it was time to get out of the corner.
Now that he walks alone in the fieldIn that field where the summer sun mercilessly beats him
He reflects on the human antics of dogs
The life he wasted among humans until he arrived at the painful decision
to renounce all he had earned with so many sacrifices and so much effort!
And he brings to mind all thoseDogs and others
–Who bark continuously without meaning
Who do not stop their prattling and empty barking
Who do not have self-knowledge and go and identify with humans
They acquire human habits
And finally forget that after all they belong to the honoured family of dogs.
Such things did he think and grief seized him deeply and his soul pined
Such things and the night descended like rain on his coat.
In my view the successful dog is not he who relaxes on a carved armchair
Nor he who has won the confidence of humans
But he who proceeds even though alone
He who feels and behaves like a dog
Who barks without self-interest
What has happened, anyway, to the honesty, purity, and that whichour grandfathers called doglike?
Such things did he soliloquize and went his own way
The dog who stopped barking.
Translated by: David Bailey
Για χρόνια γάβγιζε κανονικά/Που σημαίνει γάβγιζε όποτε έπρεπε/Κι ύστερα σταμάτησε./Ένα σκυλί που δεν γαβγίζει είναι άχρηστο/Γι’ αυτό του ’δωσαν να καταλάβει πως ήταν καιρός ν’ αδειάσει τη γωνιά./Τώρα που περπατά ολομόναχο μέσα στον κάμπο/Σ’ αυτό τον κάμπο που τον δέρνει ανελέητα ο ήλιος του καλοκαιριού/Συλλογίζεται τ’ ανθρώπινα καμώματα των σκυλιών/Τη ζωή του που χαράμισε κοντά στους ανθρώπους ώσπου να φτάσει στην οδυνηρή απόφαση ν’ απαρνηθεί όσα κέρδισε με τόσες θυσίες και τόση προσπάθεια!/Και φέρνει στο νου του όλους εκείνους-Σκύλους και μη-/Που γαβγίζουν συνέχεια χωρίς νόημα/Που δε σταματούν τη φλυαρία και τα παχιά γαβγίσματα/Που δεν έχουν το γνώθι σαυτόν και παν και ταυτίζονται με τους ανθρώπους/Αποκτούν ανθρώπινες συνήθειες/Και τέλος ξεχνούν πως στο κάτω κάτω ανήκουν στην τιμημένη οικογένεια των σκυλιών./Τέτοια συλλογιζόταν κι η θλίψη τον κυρίευε βαθιά κι η ψυχή του μαράζωνε/Τέτοια κι η νύχτα κατέβαινε σαν βροχή πάνω στο τρίχωμα του./-Το κατ’ εμένα επιτυχεμένος σκύλος δεν είν’ εκείνος που αναπαύεται σε σκαλιστή πολυθρόνα/Ούτε εκείνος που κέρδισε την εμπιστοσύνη των ανθρώπων/Αλλά εκείνος που προχωρεί έστω και μόνος/Εκείνος που νιώθει και συμπεριφέρεται ως σκύλος/Που γαβγίζει χωρίς ιδιοτέλεια./Που πήγε τελοσπάντων η τιμιότητα, η αγνότητα και αυτό που οι παππούδες μας αποκαλούσαν σκυλισιά./Τέτοια μονολογούσε και πήγαινε κατά τον εαυτό του/Το σκυλί που σταμάτησε το γάβγισμα.
This is a short story made interactively as a webtool test. It is about a cat who could read. (I know many that can type, too!) Try it yourselves using our Digital Fun page tools.
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