Digital Fun

Try online painting in or painting interactively with a friend in 7th Space. Have fun!

This is my idea of etwinning library card. Also included is a tutorial for an e-card. We wait for your ideas about it.
Mateusz I. and Lublin team.

Make your very own Boorkraft grafitti. Click below the image to continue!

Free Widgets

Blogger Backgrounds

Make a bookcover in 2 minutes! Click  here and here.

Make a very simple bookcover here and here!

Put your photo into the book. Click here and here and also here!

Make your own etwinning library card!

Make your own printable cube with Tabblo!

Don't use a Magic 8-Ball. Get an Askzy!

Put your words into famous mouths with Toons.

Twiddle this page!
With Twiddla you can draw right on this webpage and save a snapshot. It is interactive, too!


  1. Mateusz's library card is simply the best. We are going to make one for every Elefsina bookraft member!

  2. Mateusz! I saw how you are creative pupil and this library member card is the best effect your work in Bookraft project! I will print for the best readers in my library!Thank you!

  3. Every kind of digital fun is pleasure for me. I hope the holiday is great time to doing many digital fun surprises.
